Posts tagged time
What You Need to Know About Virtue In Order to Experience the Radically Life Enhancing Benefits of Virtuousness.

Okay - as promised - in this week’s message I am going to provide a general framework for understanding what true virtue is and the unique conditions in which it is genuinely expressed or demonstrated - and will attempt to do all of this as efficiently and pragmatically as I possibly can.

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A New Perspective on How We Can Apply Ben Franklin’s the Art of Virtue in Our Lives, Family, and Work

First off, thank you to everyone who sent a message regarding their experience reading about Ben Franklin’s the Art of Virtue. The responses we received were very positive and gratifying. My driving hope and purpose with this series was to develop an impactful, practical, meaningful, and educational look at the power of intentionally practicing virtue.

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Practicing the Good Life with Ben Franklin - Virtues #10-13 - Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity & Humility

I have decided to take the remaining 4 virtues and wrap them all up into one message. My apologies if your favorite virtue is one of these four - and it may not be getting the full attention it deserves (if this is true for anyone - I invite you to give me a call - I would be thrilled to have a meaningful discussion with you regarding your appreciation of said virtue!).

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Practicing the Good Life with Ben Franklin - Virtue #5 - Frugality

Our consumerist society wants us to believe that we are what we buy. Consumerism says that everything we purchase and the things we own, send a message to the world about who you we are and the values we hold. This makes sense, because the most successful companies in the world are not selling products, they are selling experiences, memories, security and identity. 

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Practicing the Good Life with Ben Franklin - Virtue #4 - Resolution

Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution? At some point, all of us have finished out a year and decided we wanted to make some changes. Maybe we decide to add a positive habit into our lives - like exercising more, starting a new business, spending more time with friends, or becoming more patient in our relationships.

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Practicing the Good Life with Ben Franklin - Virtue #2 - Silence

Today, we are often pressed for time, stressed, and subject to daily annoyances. These frustrations are then frequently taken out on those around us without a second thought. How many times have we responded with a snarky comment or passive aggressive response at a family member, co-worker, partner, or even stranger serving us a meal because we are frustrated and irritated? Why do we do this?

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